Robert Gordon University (RGU) is a renowned institution known for its world-class education and vibrant campus life. One of the best ways to explore the university and get a feel for its atmosphere...
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There are several Open Days planned for 2023 – two of which are scheduled for Saturday 23 September and Saturday 28 October. Both events will commence at 9:00 am and conclude at 4:00 pm. Along with...
The University of Liverpool is excited to welcome prospective students and their families to its Open Days in 2023. These events provide an excellent opportunity for future undergraduates to explore...
The University of Strathclyde, located in Glasgow, Scotland, is excited to welcome prospective students and their families to its Open Days in 2023. These in-person events, scheduled for Tuesday 5...
Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) is known for its modern campus and wide range of programmes that cater to the diverse interests of its students. One of the best ways to experience this vibrant...
Leeds University is gearing up for its 2023 open days, providing prospective students with an opportunity to explore the campus, learn about the courses offered, and gain insights into the vibrant...